Therapeutic and Healing Massage
Powerful holistic solutions for healthy living.
Therapeutic and Healing Massage specializes in myofascial release and reiki. These techniques encourage the "comfortable in my own skin" feeling by removing fascia restriction and energy blockages in the body.
Restoration and maintenance of excellent health is the goal.

Whether you’ve decided to start self-care
or gift a session, you are in the right place.
Reiki is a therapy often described as hands-on-body healing in which a practitioner places hand lightly on or over a client’s body to facitiltate the client’s process of self healing. Reiki combines the Japanese and Chinese woe-characters of “rei” (spriritual or supernatural) and “ki” (vital or life force energy).
Myofascial Release
Myofacial Release facilitates the unwinding and releasing of restricted and stuck fascia, the body’s three dimensional connective tissue that provides structure. When facia releases the body assumes natural positioning which allows for full range of motion and the “comfortable in our own skin” feeling.